Programming Policy
AMC Professional Development Programming Policy
As a professional association, the Association of Muslim Chaplains centers the profession of chaplaincy in all its professional development programming. As per AMC’s mission, all professional development programming should align with the goal of helping Muslim chaplains provide the highest quality spiritual care across the fields they serve. Keeping in mind the vision of equipping and training every Muslim chaplain in the pursuit of quality professional spiritual care, AMC’s professional development programming should be intentional and effective.
Categories of Programming
Description of Each Category
What type of programming does each category entail?
Supports with job acquisition
Creating a document that includes information for each type of cohort on the track for how to become a chaplain
Maintain webpage that directs folks interested in pursuing chaplaincy to programs i.e. TISA, Bayan, HIU, etc.
Can list the scholarship opportunities for AMC members
Continue to post jobs in newsletter, on website, and in other communication platforms
Support members in their pursuit of qualifications for endorsement, board certification, or job requirements
Maintaining webpage of board endorsement and qualification requirements as needed
Mentorship program with Endorsed and Board Certified chaplains can provide support o This can include opportunities that fulfill endorsement or certification requirements such as webinars, workshops or conferences to be shared in the Newsletter or on social media, etc. ● Developing chaplaincy skills
Providing or connecting AMC members with trainings, workshops, certifications that further develop their chaplaincy skills, i.e. Mental Health First Aid, and sharing this information via the newsletter and other communication platforms.
Informing membership of relevant professional conferences such as ACSLHE, APC, ISNA, etc.
Providing space and directing people towards places where chaplains can connect such as the cohorts and Chaplaincy Innovation Lab.
Connecting members with current research regarding the field of chaplaincy.
Providing academic research-based resources.
Supporting members’ research by sharing surveys or data collection with membership via emails, the Newsletter, and communication channels.
Providing and connecting workshops and trainings on specific topics that are relevant to or requested by AMC members by sharing in the Newsletter and on other communication platforms.
Connecting members with training, workshops or classes that are offered by partner organizations.
Acquainting members with educational institutions that provide theological training.
Holistic Wellbeing
Encouraging members to participate in cohort check-ins.
Promoting physical, psychological, and spiritual health by:
Providing workshops and opportunities for meditation, breathing practices, and mindfulness with an Islamic framing.
Sharing workshops, training and retreats by other organizations.
Encouraging beneficial spiritual practices such as starting and ending meetings with dua, checking in for Jummah, etc.
Fostering community and communication among the cohorts on communication applications.
Encouraging genuine connections among membership and cohorts, i.e. meme-sharing. o Hosting virtual meeting spaces with no theme or topic for AMC members to check-in.
Standards for Programming
Helps accomplish professional development qualifications for educational or career requirements. - Supports the training for specialization of chaplaincy skills.
Educational programming will include reputable sources defined as having recognition and credibility from their respective fields.
The programming topic will be relevant to at least one cohort.
Contributes to physical, psychological, and/or spiritual health of AMC members as it benefits their chaplaincy roles.
Facilitating spaces, virtual or in-person, that are safe and honor the experiences of AMC members.
Programming Adab
The ground rules and expectations for participation in AMC programming center on the organization’s Core Values: Ikhlas (Sincerity), Nasiha (Good Counsel), Rahma (Mercy) and Haya’ (Dignity).
I. Participants will act with sincerity and concern for others, including fellow participants and the workshop presenter or organizer.
II. Participants will attend programs with the purpose of providing good counsel to those to whom they provide pastoral care.
A. This includes participants expressing concerns or providing suggestions about programming or guest speakers with conscientiousness.
III. Participants will exhibit mercy in how they approach fellow participants and workshop presenters. A. This can mean approaching AMC members, other participants, and workshop organizers and speakers with gentleness and compassion.
IV. Participants will maintain their dignity and that of AMC by demonstrating modesty, respect, honor, good morals and humility.
A. This entails conscientiousness of language, tone, approach, etc. when raising concerns or questions before, during, or after a program.
Policy Accountability
A. The Association of Muslim Chaplains board members and employees reserve the right to remove members or participants from workshops, webinars, programs, events, etc. if they determine that the ‘Programming Adab’ policy is not being upheld.