Chaplaincy Education & Training Programs
Professional chaplaincy training for Muslims requires a combination of traditional Islamic sciences, graduate academic training in chaplaincy (AMC strongly encourages Muslims to enroll in a program with an Islamic chaplaincy focus) and clinical pastoral education.
A professional chaplain has appropriate training, adheres to a code of ethics, belongs to an association, and is accountable to the institution in which she or he serves. The Association of Muslim Chaplains recommends a combination of graduate level religious studies, traditional Islamic sciences education, and at least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education with an ACPE accredited program. Familiarity with American culture and counseling skills are also essential to effective chaplaincy.
American Islamic College
M.Div. in Islamic Studies with a concentration in Islamic Chaplaincy
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
M.Div. in Islamic Chaplaincy
(Additionally Bayan Online offers online access to the recordings of some classes taught at the school for a low monthly subscription)
Boston Islamic Seminary (BIS)*
Master of Islamic Religious Leadership
Hartford International’s Islamic Chaplaincy Program
M.A. in Interreligious Studies & M.A. in Chaplaincy both with Islamic concentrations
The Islamic Seminary of America (TISA)*
M.Div. with concentration in Religious Leadership and Islamic Chaplaincy
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE)
Clinical Pastoral Education is a foundational part of professional chaplaincy training. Students typically spend a summer or a semester in a hospital setting (Jewish Theological Seminary also offers a community based option) and there are sites throughout the country. Bayan, Hartford Seminary and TISA require chaplaincy students to complete a unit for their degrees. AMC offers a support group for those participating in CPE training to provide connection with other Muslims.
Additionally, the following programs offer graduate level chaplaincy training abroad for those looking to work or study in Canada or Europe:
Emmanuel College (Canada)*
M.A. in Pastoral Studies – Muslim Studies
Markfield Institute (U.K.)
M.A. in Muslim Chaplaincy
University of Rotterdam (Netherlands)
M.A. Islamic Spiritual Care
University of Tuebingen (Germany)
M.A. in Practical Islamic Theology for Chaplaincy and Social Work
*These programs are currently only on the track to accreditation, insha’Allah they will be there soon