Endorsement & Certification
Ecclesiastical endorsement is a document that authorizes a chaplain to operate as a representative of their faith community and is a prerequisite for chaplains seeking official board certification. Endorsing bodies typically require an MDiv or other accredited graduate academic training, one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education, and knowledge and practice of Islam as demonstrated through a written application and interview.
While the Association of Muslim Chaplains does not provide endorsement at this time, we work closely with two BCCi-approved accreditation bodies for Muslims--the Muslim Endorsement Council and the Islamic Society of North America. AMC strongly encourages employers to require endorsement from a recognized endorsement agency as mosques are generally not equipped to evaluate basic chaplaincy competencies.
An academic degree does not constitute endorsement. If you are currently a student, it may be of benefit to begin the endorsement application process as some employers require candidates to have an established relationship with an endorsement body in advance of hire (i.e. the Federal Bureau of Prisons). The following organizations endorse qualified Muslim chaplains and maintain their own application process and endorsement standards; please note that the field or location of your desired area of work may impact which endorsement agency you should apply through.
Muslim Chaplain Endorsers
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Muslim American Chaplains Association (MACA)
This is the only accepted endorsement agency for Muslim corrections chaplains in California. Please contact AMC to be put in contact with MACA.
Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV)
Muslim Endorsement Council (MEC)
American Muslim Armed Forces and Veteran Affairs Council
A profession is defined, in part, by having an established set of competencies and a code of ethics. Certification is an indicator that a chaplain has demonstrated mastery of these competencies, as defined by a certification agency, and is typically required for healthcare institutions and some corrections facilities. While AMC does not currently offer certification, we seek to in the future. Currently, AMC members obtain certification through the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) and the Spiritual Care Association (SCA).
Completion of Clinical Pastoral Education or an academic degree in chaplaincy is not certification, though these are two of several requirements, including relevant accredited graduate academic work, documented hours of chaplaincy work experience, and endorsement. Please note that some traditional Islamic sciences can be granted equivalency towards an MDiv but do not fulfill the total requirement without additional coursework in areas such as pastoral care and counseling, chaplaincy, professional ethics, and interfaith engagement. The equivalency process adds several additional months to the certification application.
Other Official Certifications
Board Certification (Healthcare)
Those seeking to become healthcare chaplains may require board certification. AMC members are encouraged to view the recorded webinar on the topic by Ch. Tahara Akmal in the private resource section. AMC encourages members to pursue this through the Board of Chaplaincy Certification Inc. which is an affiliate of the Association for Professional Chaplains (APC). Watch this video to learn more about this process and please write to Membership@AssociationOfMuslimChaplains.org if you would like to talk with a Board Certified AMC member about the process.
Certification (Corrections)
The Association of Muslim Chaplains does not currently have a certification process in place, a requirement for some corrections chaplains positions. You can learn more about this through the Association of Corrections Chaplains website.
Some institutions will request a certificate of ordination from chaplain candidates. AMC does not “ordain” chaplains, we can however provide a letter attesting to your capacity as a chaplain if you are a qualified member in good standing. Please contact Communications@AssociationOfMuslimChaplains.org to arrange for an interview if you require this for hire.
Endorsement requirements vary between endorsers as do the institutional endorsement requirements. For example, the U.S. Army Chaplains Corps requires that an endorsing agency confirm that all candidates are:
– A recognized religious clergy member within the religious tradition
– Qualified spiritually, morally, intellectually and emotionally to serve as a chaplain in the Army
– Sensitive to religious pluralism and able to provide for the free exercise of religion for all military personnel, their family members and civilians who work for the Army
– Possessing a baccalaureate degree of not less than 120 semester hours
– Pursuing or possessing a graduate degree in theological or religious studies, plus have earned at least a total of 72 semester hours in graduate work in these fields of study
The U.S. Army currently accepts endorsements from ISNA and the American Muslim Armed Forces & Veteran Affairs Council, both of which have additional requirements pertaining to Islamic knowledge and practice. Endorsement agencies typically charge annual fees, conduct extensive interviews, collect reference letters, and have renewal requirements such as evidence of professional development training which the annual AMC Shura workshops are recognized as fulfilling.