Mission & Vision
The Association of Muslim Chaplains (AMC) is a professional association that supports Muslims chaplains by ensuring they have access to the resources, tools, and training to provide the highest quality spiritual care in public and private institutions in the United States while advancing the field of Islamic chaplaincy.
That every Muslim chaplain in the United States of America is well equipped and trained to provide quality, professional spiritual care, and that the field of Islamic chaplaincy is at the forefront of professional chaplaincy.
Our core values — drawn from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) — are as follows:
1. Ikhlas (Sincerity) – Our intention is to act with sincere concern for others and fi sabil Allah (for the sake of God).
2. Nasiha (Good Counsel) – Our care for others is predicated upon our religious responsibility to provide nasiha (good counsel).
3. Rahma (Mercy) – We strive in our conduct to reflect the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was sent as rahma lil-`alamin — a mercy to all the worlds.
4. Haya’ (Dignity) – We strive in our deportment to demonstrate modesty, respect, honor, good morals and humility before Allah and those we serve.